Monday, February 2, 2015

Tickets for the Daily Show with Jon Stewart acquired!

It's official! We are going be part of the Daily Show on St. Patrick's day of our trip.  

I cannot wait to find out who the guest will be.  I'm sure it will be an awesome experience no matter who the guest is.  It's Jon Stewart after all.

Another item added to the itinerary:
We'll see what gems lie within. 

Now this should be awesome too.  Last time when we went to Smorgasburg, it was amazing food.  This is actually crafted to be the best of the best around? Oh yes... This is happening.  
On top of the trip to Smorgasburg the day after we are planning.  Well, it's actually located in the Brooklyn Flea during the winter, but that's even better because I love flea-ing too.